Friday, April 25, 2014

Hoffman Chapters 1-5

It was interesting of how the book begins with discussing the economic standpoint of the United States as a whole. This time period was during the Great Depression, which was a time period in which many people who had jobs with a steady income found themselves without a job. The depression had a tremendous impact on the healthcare system. There were increasing development to help prolong the life span expectancy, but the more benefits the greater the amount of people became unemployed. Many people could not afford healthcare, so they went from a private family doctor to local clinics. This plays a major part in life or death between people. They were unable to call ambulances, get check ups, and take other preventive measures in staying healthy. I was shocked at how private family doctors would somewhat ignore patients because they were no longer going to them because of their financial situation. It was ridiculous how there were segregated hospitals and they would actually turn African Americans away, despite the fact they were dying.  People were also turned away from hospitals because for whom the doctor was, their mental status, health condition, and health insurance.

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